Pre-Lobby Day Services

Pre-Lobby Day Services

The Advocacy Associates team can help you get off on the right foot with our pre-event strategic services, including conducting strategy sessions to develop your Lobby Day asks, crafting talking points, creating materials, developing lists of key members to focus on, training advocates for effective meetings, and crafting social media engagement plans.

Conduct Strategy Sessions

What is it that you actually want from Members of Congress during your meeting? We'll help you develop your Lobby Day asks to ensure that you are making appropriate and effective asks that meet your strategic needs.

Crafting Legislative Talking Points

What are the most persuasive arguments, data points, etc. that will help convince Members of Congress to do what you're asking of them? We'll write informative, succinct talking points to ensure your advocates are armed with the information they need for an effective meeting.

Material Creation

What materials do you need to create to arm your advocates to be successful? We'll produce informational documents for your advocates such as issue briefs, one pagers, and leave behinds.

Strategic Congressional Targeting

Who matters most to your organization and what you're seeking to accomplish? We'll develop lists of key members regarding your legislative needs to ensure you're meeting with the “right” people.


What do your advocates need to know to ensure their meetings are worth their time and the time of the Member of Congress or staff that they meeting? We'll prepare advocates for effective meetings, from trainings like “What to Know Before You Go” to “Developing Effective Messages” to “Procedural Training” for advanced advocates, and more.